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How to track which owner still requires to add data

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In order to be able to keep track on which owner(s) still need to update their data, you can use the Seller validation report.

Go to Agency > Seller validation.

Please note:
An owner needs to have had something selected in  Agency > Edit owner > section Seller information > DAC7 categrory at least once in order for this owner to be showing in this report.
Even when the entry is later on delete again (set to Select).

There are different filter options to choose from in order to only show required owners and/or to limit the number of entries that will be shown.

1) Search owners

This option allows to search for the name of a specific owner.

Owner Adam Blake
- Live owners selected
- Only show owners with missing data is toggled On

When the option Only show owners with missing data is now toggled Off, the following result is showing.

The owner(s) will be showing in the list, clearly indicating, if information is missing or not.

2) Only show owners with incomplete/unverified data
Toggled ON

Please note:
This shows only owners that have at least once selected a DAC7 category, even when this was later on set to Select again.

Edit owner : Masey Catkins : SuperControl - Google Chrome

The toggle is showing all owners, who have incomplete data and the data that has been added for the owner hasn't been verified.

Toggled Off

Toggled off all owners are showing that fall into the selection made for 3)  Show for.

3) - 6) Show for

This allows to search for specific owners depending on their status.

3) Live owner

Only life owners will be shown. Any archived owners will not be included in the list.

4) Archived owner

Only archived owners will be shown. Any live owners will not be included in the list.

5) Include not required for DAC7

If you want to check, if there are any owners that have Include not required for DAC7 as their category, you can search for those as well.
The can be useful for e.g. overseas owner.

6) Only unverified data

This filter will show all unverified data. Regardless, if it has been verified or not.

7) Owner groups

When you have set up owner groups, you can filter for specific owner groups to see, who within the owner group has still issues with their data.

Seller validation report : SuperControl - Google Chrome
8) Per page
Seller validation report : SuperControl - Google Chrome

If you have a large number of properties, it will be advisable to limit the number of properties showing. Otherwise it might take a rather long time, before SuperControl can display all relevant entries.

Please note:
These are set numbers per page that cannot be changed.

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