As you need to copy paste information from Atraveo into SuperControl and vice versa it's best to have both open in different browser tabs or browser windows at the same time.
1) Log into your SuperControl account and go Integration > Channel manager > International > Atraveo
2) Copy the property reference of the properties you want to connect to Artraveo.

3) Log into your Atraveo account
4) In the left hand side menu click onto My properties

5) In the list of your properties, click onto Edit (the blue pencil)

6) In order to assign the property ID from SuperControl to the corresponding property in Atraveo click the Description tab.

You'll need to paste the SuperControl ID for this property into the field with the heading Your own property ID of the holiday accommocation

7) Go to the SuperControl browser tab or browser window.
8) Highlight and copy the URL (web address) in the field under the heading Atraveo interface URL

9) Go to the Atraveo website click Interfaces in the left hand side menu.

Make sure, you are in the Availability interface tab.
10) Paste the URL into the field with the heading You can store a link to your availability interface here.

11) Click Save (greenish button on the right)
Please note: Should you also list with TUI, please be aware that Atraveo and TUI do not use the same codes.
You cannot use an Atraveo code for TUI and vice versa.
1) Log into your Atraveo account
2) In the left hand side menu click onto My properties

3) In the list of your properties, click onto Edit (the blue pencil)

4) Copy the property reference for the property to be connected.

5) Paste the Atraveo property reference into the channel manager.

6) Add any required uplift and Save.