Help Centre

Forwarding booking extras to Vrbo

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If a booking extra has been set up to be a default booking extra or one the guests need to select, is influencing the forwarding of the booking extra to Vrbo (HomeAway)

Default booking extra

Any booking extra that has been set up to be added to bookings by default, can be forwarded to Vrbo.

In the booking extra settings, Properties > Booking extras > click onto the name of the booking extra. On the next page scroll to the right hand side until you see the Default column.
The option needs to be set to 1, for the default function to be active.

Booking extras to be selected by the guest

If a guest has to actively decide, if they want to add the extra to their booking or not, these booking extras can't be forwarded to any channels.

You are offering boat tours. The guest has to choose to add them to their booking.
This option, to select a boat tour, will not be forwarded to any of the channels.

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