How do I remove the connection between Airbnb and SuperControl?
1. Log into Airbnb and click the photo/ icon in top right and go to “Account”.

2. Go to “Privacy & sharing”.

3. Click “Remove access” in the 'Connected Apps' Section

How do I remove the connection between SuperControl and Airbnb?
In order to disconnect the property from Airbnb in SuperControl, go to Intergrations > Channel manager > International > Airbnb.
To the right of the field showing the Listing ID are four icons. Click the one on the right hand side.

A pop-up will appear to give these to options (see below).
Select Disconnect listing.
Please note:
This will not disconnect the property straight away.

In the next dialog there is the option to either disconnect the property, but leave the listing on Airbnb, or delete the property from Airbnb.
Select to disconnect the listing.
Once the listing (property) has been deleted from Airbnb it can NOT be restored!
Please make sure that you really want to get rid of the property once and for all on Airbnb before using this option and deleting the listing.