Help Centre

The price for a booking received including an Airbnb promotion is too low.

Updated on

A booking has been received from Airbnb and the price is lower than expected.
- a promotion has been set up on Airbnb, this applies a discount to bookings
- the percentage for the discount in SC is the same as the promotion on Airbnb

- 3 night stay
- price in SC £741.30
- discount 15%
- price expected £741.30 - £111.19 (15%) = £630.11
-  but the amount calculated by Airbnb is £606.90


Airbnb is stopping the pricing we send for the length of stay (which is being set in the price planner) and is instead using a median price from the next 60 days as the base nightly price. The setup promotion is calculated on this median base nightly price.

- median price per night calculated by Airbnb £283
- promotion percentage set to 15%
- calculated base price: £238 x 3 nights = £714
- £714 - £107.10 = £606.90

The received income for a 3 night Airbnb booking with a 15% promotion applied will be lower than the income received by a direct website booking with a 15% SuperControl discount applied.
Airbnb are providing further information in this help centre article. If you have any question in regards to this article, please contact Airbnb directly.


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