Help Centre

Blocking dates on only

Updated on

To block off dates in only, go to Integrations > Channel Manager > International >

For the Rates and Availability one (legacy) integration you will find the section Block availability to the right of the property.
Click Block Availability.

On the page for the Full content (API) integration click the calendar next to the listing.

A pop-up window opens.
Here you can see, which dates are already blocked off by bookings in SuperControl, as well as the dates which are only blocked off in

Tick the dates you wish to close on, but which are to remain open on your website and in other channels.

In order to forward the changed availability to, use the Send all data function in the channel manager.

It can be found below the last property listed on the page.

Please re-send your rates to to ensure availability is up to date.

Please note:
It can take up to 24 hours for this change to update on and may take longer to complete, if you have a lot of properties, which need updating.

If dates have already been blocked of, you will see this as well

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