Please note:
Special offers need to be created in SuperControl and then allocated to the properties in the Premier Cottages Portal.
Please see this help centre article for information how to set up a discount in SuperControl.
Once the special offer has been created in SuperControl they will be forwarded to Premier Cottages within a few minutes.
1. Log into the Premier Cottages Portal.
2. Go to the Special Offers section of the portal.
3. Make sure you are in the correct offer period by checking the heading at the top of the page. Please contact Premier Cottages, if you are not.
4. In the box headed Cottage Special Offers, select the cottage to which you wish to add an offer to by clicking the View button.
The View button should turn blue.

5. You will see a column with the heading Current Special Offers, click on the +Add New Offer button.
6. Select a date and then then number of nights