1. Go to Integrations > Channel manager > UK wide > Simpleview.
2. Next to each property select the site you would like to list on (once you select it for the first property, click the "Website" header to populate all other properties to save time).

3. Tick "Enabled" against each relevant property.
Please note:
If a property does not have the Enable button, the button will appear once you have a postcode, longitude and latitude assigned to that property under the property settings.
4. Enter an example URL.
Please provide an example link to one of your listings on a Simpleview / Newmind / Guestlink powered website.
If you have multiple listings you just need to provide one example URL.
Please note:
If you don't already have a listing you will need to contact the relevant DMO (Direct Marketing Operator) before activating this integration.
5. Click Save.
Simpleview will then complete their part of the process, and will inform your DMO (Direct Marketing Operator) that the record is ready. The DMO (Direct Marketing Operator) will then switch this on for your listing on their website. You should be notified once the connection has been completed.
Simpleview pulls the below data from us:
- Availability
- Pricing
New sites are being added regularly. Please contact your local DMO if you wish your site to be connected. Currently connected websites:
- Cotswolds - www.cotswolds.com
- Discover Yorkshire Coast - www.discoveryorkshirecoast.com
- EmbraceScotland - www.embracescotland.co.uk
- Enjoy Fowey - www.fowey.co.uk
- Experience Bedfordshire - www.experiencebedfordshire.co.uk
- Fermanagh Lakes - www.fermanaghlakelands.com
- Go North Wales - www.gonorthwales.co.uk
- Jurassic Coast - www.Jurassiccoast.org
- Poole Tourism - www.pooletourism.com
- Stay Blackpool - www.stayblackpool.com
- The English Riviera - www.englishriviera.co.uk
- The New Forest - www.thenewforest.co.uk
- This Is Durham - www.thisisdurham.com
- Tourism For All - www.tourismforall.co.uk
- Visit Ards & North Down www.visitardsandnorthdown.com
- Visit Bath - www.visitbath.co.uk
- Visit Blackpool - www.visitblackpool.com
- Visit Bristol - www.visitbristol.co.uk
- Visit Causeway Coast and Glens www.visitcausewaycoastandglens.com
- Visit Cheshire - www.visitcheshire.com
- Visit Derry - www.visitderry.com
- Visit Devon - www.visitdevon.co.uk
- Visit Dorset - www.visit-dorset.com
- Visit East Yorkshire - www.visiteastyorkshire.co.uk
- Visit Essex - www.visitessex.com
- Visit Exeter - www.visitexeter.com
- Visit Forest of Dean & Wye Valley - www.visitdeanwye.co.uk
- Visit Isle of Man - www.visitisleofman.com
- Visit Isle of Wight - www.visitisleofwight.co.uk
- Visit Isles of Scilly - www.visitislesofscilly.com
- Visit Lake District - www.visitlakedistrict.com
- Visit Lancashire - www.visitlancashire.com
- Visit Lisburn & Castlereagh www.visitlisburncastlereagh.com
- Visit Looe - www.visitlooe.co.uk
- Visit Mid Ulster - www.visitmidulster.com
- Visit Mid Wales - www.visitmidwales.co.uk
- Visit Monmouthshire - www.visitmonmouthshire.com
- Visit Mourne Mountains www.visitmournemountains.co.uk
- Visit Newquay- www.visitnewquay.org
- Visit North Norfolk - www.visitnorthnorfolk.com
- Visit Outer Hebrides - www.visitouterhebrides.co.uk
- Visit Plymouth - www.visitplymouth.co.uk
- Visit Sidmouth- www.visitdevon.co.uk/sidmouth
- Visit South Devon - www.visitsouthdevon.co.uk
- Visit Southport - www.visitsouthport.com
- Visit Staffordshire - www.enjoystaffordshire.com