First step is to contact Vrbo (HomeAway) to enable the integration at their side.
Once they have confirmed they will start working on this connection, log into SuperControl and go to Admin > Terms & Conditions. Ensure you have ALL boxes completed for terms and conditions, privacy policy and cancellation policy. Also make sure you have filled in your privacy policy and cancellation policy as plain text. In here, you can just copy and paste in your original text - please note all of these fields also need to be completed in order to activate the integration.
The Vrbo (HomeAway) integration is Instant book when connected, however guests can also still send enquiries that will come through to SuperControl, if the functionality has been enabled in the integration page.
N.B. Vrbo (HomeAway) currently requires clients who wish to use the full integration with them to have a Limited Company number (Ltd) or Public Limited Company number (Plc). For those without this, please use the iCal link instead.
How to use the workflow below:
- answer the questions by selecting the respective answer
- follow the instructions
- if you want to return to a previous question, click on it
Have you contacted Vrbo to request the connection to SuperControl already?
When trying to activate the connection in SupercControl before Vrbo has enabled it at their end will result in the connection attempt to fail.
In SuperControl and go to Integrations > Channel Manager > International > Vrbo (HomeAway) > click on Full Integration.

Select the option I have a valid company registration number

Have you ticked the link to fill out the form?
You can find this link in SuperControl > Integrations > Channel manager > International > Vrbo > Next you must fill out this form.
Do you have at least one property showing no errors?
At least one property needs to be ready to connect before the connection is established in SuperControl.
When going to Properties > Edit > Web details > HomeAway details > Go, you should see this at the top of page that opens.

You can now go to Integrations > Channel manager > International > Vrbo and enable the properties you want to connect.
A) Go to Properties > Edit > Web details > HomeAway details > Go
You will see in the error message(s) at the top which section are still needing further information.
These are the sections of information that need to be checked for information needing to be added.

Previously you would set your amenities here. This is now been done under Properties > Amenities > Add / edit amenities.
Further information how to map the amenities can be found here
Complete your Accommodation summary, Main property description and Headline text. There is a minimum character requirement for the Description. Please ensure you have completed these fields with all relevant information as it will be the text displayed to your guests.
Please note: If you have previously already added descriptions into SuperControl for the property, you can re-use this text and populate this section without having to re-type everything.
To the right of the text field is another empty field. When you click into it a list appears.
Select Main description.
Or any other information field from which you want to pull existing data.
You can also add this same information to all other properties.

Please use this option only, if all your properties are the same and can therefore share the same description.
There is no UNDO button for this!
Enter as much further information about the unit (property) as you think necessary for / helpful to the guest.
Please note: If you have previously already added descriptions into SuperControl for the property, you can re-use this text and populate this section without having to re-type everything.
To the right of the text field is another empty field. When you click into it a list appears.
Select Main description.
Or any other information field from which you want to pull existing data.
You can also add this same information to all other properties.

Note: Please use this option only, if all your properties are the same and can therefore share the same description.
There is no UNDO button for this!
Here you can provide further information re the bathroom(s) the property has.
Even if you have not added any information here, make sure the number of bathrooms available have been added on the property settings page (Properties > Edit > Go next to your chosen property).
Every bathroom that has been set up for the property will show in a separate section.
Once all of these areas are complete/ validated, then you should see three green ticks which states your listing is now activated:

You can now go to Integrations > Channel manager > International > Vrbo and enable the properties you want to connect.
C) Go to Integrations > Channel manager > International > Vrbo
Tick the box Activate property in front of each property you wish to list with Vrbo (HomeAway).

D) Your listing will now be included in the next HomeAway feed. Please note it can take 48 hours to synchronise all data to HomeAway.
To boost your bookings with Vrbo (HomeAway), watch this webinar.
Please fill out the from before continuing.
Please contact Vrbo to setup the connection at their end before continuing.